June 06, 2015

Benz Bio Cleanze kills & controls moss – is this true?

Benz Bio Cleanze kills & controls moss – is this true?

Because of changes to the biocide legislation concerning DDAC biocides such as Benz Bio Cleanze – which for many years was used as a highly effective way to kill and control moss – we realised a great many people must be scratching their heads wondering what the heck is going on.

So we wrote this post to accurately explain the legal situation regarding killing and controlling moss, to the best of our understanding.

The legal situation concerning softwash DDAC biocides and moss

Until June 2015 DDAC, the active ingredient in Bio Cleanze, was extensively used to kill and control moss, and was widely promoted as a moss killing & control agent.

But since June 2015 moss has been categorised as a “plant” and therefore from this date comes under the Plant Protection Products (PPP) regulations.

Quick tip: As far as we know, all that changed was the movement of all DDAC biocides to a different administrative category with different labelling criteria. Everything else remains the same including the chemical composition of Bio Cleanze and its effect on other unwanted and unsightly biological growths that often present dangers for humans and building structures.

Now, because of this change of legislation, only manufacturers of herbicides (aka “weedkillers”), which are often quite unhealthy for humans and bad for our environment, can claim to kill and control moss.

From June 2015 no DDAC biocide manufacturer has been legally allowed to tell you that a biodegradable biocide, such as Bio Cleanze, kills and controls moss.

Rest assured that the formula and contents of Bio Cleanze remains the same as it was prior to the change of legislation – and you can therefore continue using it to control all manner of other biological growths on exterior hard surfaces such as drives, paths, car parks, tennis courts, roofs, walls, render, boats, decking and other timber structures such as sheds and fences.

We hope this information is helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business,

The Benz team

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PS: Click here to set up your "Clean & Maintain" programme
. After completing an initial soft wash treatment, put your customer on a "Clean & Maintain" ongoing maintenance programme. Your customers will enjoy a permanently clean property and you will enjoy a steady stream of repeat business.

This is clearly a win-win arrangement for you and your customers.


Click here to explore the extensive range of Benz softwash cleaning chemicals & equipment

Benz Softwash Bio Cleanze DDAC biocide & Benz Softwash Lightning Cleanze SH sodium hypochlorite biocide