August 04, 2021

Should you add a surfactant or scent to Benz soft wash biocides?

Should I add a surfactant or scent to Benz soft wash biocides?

The answer is an emphatic No. Do not mix our softwash products with additional surfactants or scents, which is both unnecessary and could well be problematic.

Adding what are called “adjuvants” to our already formulated products will make their valuable government approvals null and void, as well as reducing their effectiveness. Not a great idea in other words ...

Our softwash products are complete in themselves, are ready to use, and require no additional chemicals of any kind. No mixing required, other than with water.

Just add water to dilute to the appropriate ratio, according to our guidelines. This saves you a lot of time, and therefore money, over having to buy separate chemicals and then measure and mix them yourself. And is one heck of a lot safer.


Quick tips:

  1.  Bio Cleanze is intrinsically a surfactant in its own right and requires no additional surfactant to be added. It does not require a scent.

  2. Lightning Cleanze and Tornado Cleanze have been carefully formulated with high performance surfactants. Lightning Cleanze comes complete with a scent that has been tested to remain stable in the formula. Tornado Cleanze does not require a scent.

    Adding another surfactant or scent will:

    a) not increase the effectiveness of the product
    b) diminish the shelf life
    c) lower the performance
    d) invalidate all UK and Irish government legal product approvals.


About surfactants ...

There are over 2000 surfactants on the market and it is critical for performance and stability that only the correct ones are used to create a stable and effective product. 

To give an example, it took us and two industrial chemists over a year and countless trials to find the highly effective surfactant we now use in the Tornado Cleanze formula.

We hope this information is helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business.


Ben, Leo, Fiona, Stevie & Anthony


Benz Softwash Bio Cleanze DDAC biocide & Benz Softwash Lightning Cleanze SH sodium hypochlorite biocide