We are frequently asked if Benz Lightning Cleanze is suitable for cleaning uPVC – such as fascia, soffit, gutters, doors and windows – and painted surfaces.
The answer is Yes, it does an excellent job in only a few minutes. And at only 10-20:1 dilution.
Most of the time only one spray coat is needed and it's a simple "spray on – rinse off" process.
Quick tips:
- If the uPVC is particularly dirty, gently agitating the treated surface with a soft brush can significantly speed up the cleaning process. And 10:1 dilution is usually advisable.
- In very hot weather a strong solution of LIghtning Cleanze can sometimes produce a temporary discolouration. This usually fades in a few days but can be prevented by a) treating at no stronger than 10:1 dilution b) pre-cooling the surface with a light water spray c) working at the coolest time of day.
- If you have to treat uPVC in hot weather it can be a good idea to increase the dilution to 12-20:1 or more. This is because the chemical becomes more reactive when exposed to heat, meaning that the cleaning effect of 12-20:1 in hot weather can be similar to 8-10:1 in cooler weather.
Note: Ben refers to "Blackwash", which was an earlier name for Lightning Cleanze. The product is the same.
Click the link below to learn more about softwashing uPVC
Can you use Benz Bio Cleanze for softwashing uPVC windows, doors, gutters, facia and soffit?
We hope this information is helpful.
Ben, Leo
& Fiona
PS: Self cleaning glass was developed for aeroplanes where the continual movement helps the self-cleansing action. Houses are stationary and because of this it apparently does not work as well. We are receiving reports that most customers are disappointed with the effectiveness of self-cleaning glass. It still needs regular cleaning, just not as regular as regular glass.
Note: This info comes from our customers and forums, not own experience, as we’ve never come across it.
August 23, 2017
Hi Sam and thanks for your question.
The dilution rate should be 10:1, which will give 1% available chlorine. At this dilution Blackwash is classed as non-corrosive to metals and rubber – so will not damage window and door fittings.
Regarding self-cleansing glass: I don’t have experience of this so contacting the manufacturers of your customer’s glass, to ask what cleaning products are suitable, before treatment would be essential. Pilkingtons are the market leaders and can give some helpful advice for their products: https://www.pilkington.com/en-gb/uk/householders/types-of-glass/self-cleaning-glass/what-is-self-cleaning-glass
If they give you the go-ahead I suggest following the basic rule of soft washing: Treat a small test area first, get your customers agreement that it is satisfactory and gain their permission to clean the entire property.
August 19, 2017
I watched the video looks impressive but what is the dilution rate for the upvc. Many conservatories have glass roofs some of which are self cleaning glass would the cleaning product have an issue with this type of glass.
August 16, 2017
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