July 04, 2021

How to convert your wfp to a power/pressure washing pole (video)

Convert a water fed pole to a power (pressure, jet) washing pole for power washing and soft washing

The Benz Softwash water fed pole (WFP) conversion kit uniquely transforms a carbon fibre pole into a pressure (power/jet) washing pole. Our patent-pending technology makes the trigger adjustable up and down the bottom section of the pole.

The benefits to you are:

1) The sliding trigger is easier and more convenient to use than fixed triggers

2) The enhanced balance reduces strain on your body

3) You have faster access to your wfp clamps


Click here to learn more about the Benz WFP Pressure Washing Conversion Kit


Click here to discover the full range of Benz soft washing application and rinsing nozzles


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Benz soft washing how-to videos cover every aspect of soft washing. We show you how to soft wash roofs, paths, patios and drives, tarmac, concrete, wall render (KRend, Monocouche, Weber, sand & cement, etc), wet pour safety surfaces, industrial cladding, tennis courts, car parks, wood decking, fences, sheds and more ...

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We sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business. 


Ben, Leo & Fiona 

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