December 01, 2021

Is it ok to pressure/power wash clay bricks and clay roof tiles?

Is it ok to pressure/power wash brickwork and clay roof tiles?

On the face of it, pressure/power washing clay bricks and clay roof tiles would seem to be the obvious way to clean them. But it's not that simple ...

We never high-pressure wash clay brickwork or clay roof tiles, because high pressure washing will remove the protective outer layer from the bricks or roof tiles.

Quick tip: This is similar to the way in which high-pressure washing removes a surface layer even from concrete.

When that protective surface layer has gone the bricks and tiles become more porous and so are susceptible to increased damage from natural weathering, reducing their life expectancy.

The only way to protect bricks and clay tiles, and so extend their life, from this point on would be to apply a breathable, transparent sealer. But a soft wash treatment with Benz Lightning Cleanze and/or Bio Cleanze must be completed just before sealing or there's a high risk that existing spores will be trapped and grow under the sealer.

Obviously a far better approach is to not damage them with high pressure washing in the first place. 

Can you use a pressure washer for rinsing?

Absolutely. It's fine to use a pressure washer for rinsing Lightning Cleanze and Tornado Cleanze, as long as the pressure is turned down low so that the pressure when the jet reaches the brickwork or tiles is about that of a domestic hose pipe.

What about steam cleaning bricks and clay tiles?

It's true that the short-term results of soft washing may not look as dramatic as low-pressure steam cleaning (never use high pressure on bricks or clay tiles). But the labour cost of steam cleaning, because it is so time-consuming, can be vastly greater than soft washing – and the long-term results of soft washing are just as good.

Quick tip: Remember that it is essential to post-treat with Benz Bio Cleanze after steam cleaning, to impart long-term residual biocidal protection against re-colonisation.

Without giving it a post-treatment of Bio Cleanze the steam-cleaned surface will soon re-colonise to it’s contaminated condition before being cleaned because there will be nothing stopping spores re-colonising.

We hope this information is helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business,

Ben, Leo, Fiona, Stevie & Anthony


Click here to explore the full range of Benz softwash cleaning products

Benz Softwash Bio Cleanze DDAC biocide & Benz Softwash Lightning Cleanze SH sodium hypochlorite biocide