October 01, 2022

How to price high and still get more soft washing customers

How to price high and still get more soft washing customers

window cleaning mentor, a lovely man now sadly gone to that great window cleaning round in the sky, gave him this sage advice: "Window cleaners (and these days soft washing contractors) are the most highly paid of all tradespeople. You will be earning more than most of your customers, so tell yourself you are worth it, BELIEVE you are worth it, and keep your prices high".

Leo did just that during the 10 years he ran his window cleaning business and was the most expensive window cleaner in his area. He had only had one problem: too much work!

Go in at a higher price than you are willing to settle for

Quote a bit higher than you are actually willing to work for. Then, if your customer wants to haggle, you have leeway to come down.

When customers get the price down they want, they feel that they are doing well. Negotiating a lower price makes them happy, and happy customers give referrals.

And when, after you have come down a bit in price, you are still earning good money, you will be happy too.

This is called "win-win" negotiating.

It's important when haggling to know your bottom line (the rate you will not, under ANY circumstances, go lower than) and stick to it.

Of course your customer may not haggle, which means you get a contract at a very nice price. When this happens be sure to do an extra specially good job. Because doing a exceptional quality of work will also get you those precious referrals.

Don't play the "cut-price cowboy" game

An example from Leo's window cleaning days. He often had customers who literally lived next door to houses that were being cleaned by other window cleaners; window cleaners who were changing as little as one-third of his prices.

Leo's customers were well aware of this price difference but chose Leo because they were happy to pay for high quality. "I don't mind paying when I know I am getting a great service", were words Leo would frequently hear.

Quality work and quality service spreads through word of mouth. And the price you can charge for referrals is generally higher than you can charge customers who come in through cold canvassing or advertising.

That's because referred customers trust the person who referred you to them, and therefore already trust you and your work. This leads to them being willing to pay a bit extra.

Trust, along with excellent service, is a saleable and highly valuable commodity in today's world.

Going in cheap is a mugs game and doing work that we don't get paid well for is always a miserable chore. So don't play the "cut price cowboy" game. It's a futile and foolish race to the bottom. A race that professionals do not need to enter.

Stick to your prices, maintain a high quality of work, and reap the well-earned and well-deserved rewards.


We hope this information is helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business,

Ben, Leo, Fiona, Stevie & Anthony

Click here to get more practical soft washing how-to tips

How to find answers to most soft washing questions: Simply enter a relevant "keyword" or short phrase – e.g. keyword for the above link = "how to" – into our in-site Search Engine (magnifying glass icon on the main menu).

Click here to download our Product Documentation Pack (includes Application & Dilution guides, SDS, PDS, RAMS, PPE & Mask info, COSSH, sample Contract and more)

Order Benz Softwash chemicals & equipment online or by phone:

GB (England, Scotland, Wales)

Phone: 0800 70 74 222 

Online: www.benzsoftwash.co.uk

Ireland and other countries

Phone: 00353 214 622 978

Online: www.benzsoftwash.com

Lines open Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm

Please note: The above numbers are for orders only (click here for tech support)

PS: Click here to set up your "Clean & Maintain" programme
. After completing an initial soft wash treatment, put your customer on a "Clean & Maintain" ongoing maintenance programme. Your customers will enjoy a permanently clean property and you will enjoy a steady stream of repeat business.

This is clearly a win-win arrangement for you and your customers.


Click here to explore the extensive range of Benz softwash cleaning chemicals & equipment

Benz Softwash Bio Cleanze DDAC biocide & Benz Softwash Lightning Cleanze SH sodium hypochlorite biocide