When cleaning gutters, fascia and soffits we protect ourselves from the chemical spray that can rain back down onto the operator by wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
That's all well and good but HSE guidance is that PPE should be used as a last resort.
So Ben invented a special nozzle that significantly:
- reduces overspray
- allows application with minimal spray drift
- and minimises "chemical rain" falling onto the operator.
That was a significant improvement but it was still difficult to control the flow of softwash chemical. This sometimes led to our applying too much soft washing chemical, and having it rain back down on us.
And that was why Ben invented the Benz Softwash Targeted Chemical Application System (see photo of the components below) to safely and efficiently apply soft washing chemicals to a precisely targeted area.

Why should you invest in the Benz Softwash application system?
If you do not have full control of the flow, the tendency will be to apply too much softwash chemical, which costs money as well as being a health & safety hazard.
The Benz trigger (see below, part of the Benz Chemical Application System) solves this problem by giving the operator precise control over the flow of chemical.

Of course there will always be a small amount of overspray and "rain", especially when working fast, but you'll find it will be massively reduced by using the Benz trigger.
Quick tip: When we cleaned gutters back in the days before water fed poles, cameras and suction equipment – using our hands to scoop out the sludge while perched on top of an extended and rather wobbly ladder – we priced high. This enabled us to take more time and care, working more carefully and safely.
The principle still applies today because, although contractors no longer have to climb ladders, the specialist equipment needed to carry out the work without ladders has to be paid for.
That's why we suggest pricing high for all your soft washing contracts, so you can do the best possible job for your customer while working carefully and safely.
We hope this information is helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business,
Benz team
Click here to get more practical how-to tips about softwash chemicals and equipment
How to find answers to most soft washing questions: Simply enter a relevant "keyword" or short phrase – e.g. keyword for the above link = "chemicals" – into our in-site Search Engine (magnifying glass icon on the main menu).
Order Benz Softwash chemicals & equipment online or by phone:
GB (England, Scotland, Wales)
Phone: 0800 70 74 222
Online: www.benzsoftwash.co.uk
Ireland and other countries
Phone: 00353 214 622 978
Online: www.benzsoftwash.com
Lines open Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm
Please note: The above numbers are for orders only (click here for tech support)
PS: Click here to set up your "Clean & Maintain" programme. After completing an initial soft wash treatment, put your customer on a "Clean & Maintain" ongoing maintenance programme. Your customers will enjoy a permanently clean property and you will enjoy a steady stream of repeat business.
This is clearly a win-win arrangement for you and your customers.
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