Benz Trade Tips

Soft washing a roof from algae, lichen, moss & mould
A clean roof enhances the saleability and overall value of a property, as a well-maintained house will always fetch more than one that is not.
Compared to power washing the cost of a softwash treatment is usually much less, does not damage the more delicate surfaces of a property, and the results are much longer lasting.
Click the link on this page to learn more

What's the most effective way to soft wash pre-coloured render?
It is important to use a high quality biocide such as Benz Bio Cleanze to clean pre-coloured wall render. Low quality cleaning products that contain impurities may permanently alter the appearance of render.
Click the link on this page to learn the safest and most effective ways to clean wall render ...

Best ways to soft wash tennis courts
Tennis courts need regular maintenance to keep them looking good and being safe to play on. Biological growths such as algae and moss can make the playing surface dangerously slippery. Click the link on this page to get tips on professionally soft washing tennis courts ...

How long will a soft wash treatment last? (video)
The speed at which unwanted growths appear on a surface depends on the extent of it’s exposure to sun, shade, and moisture.
Because Benz Bio Cleanze kills the spores, its use can result in treatments that are 2-500% longer lasting than can be obtained from power/pressure washing alone.
Click the link on this page to get more tips about professional soft washing ...