
Dosatron proportional dosing pumps are the industry leading chemical injection/dilution solution which offers safe and precise dilution of chemicals.

In softwashing applications, they are typically connected to a water supply at a  customers property. When turned on, the Dosatron will dilute and inject the precise amount of chemical into the water flow in proportion to the amount of water flow going through it thus delivering a safe and efficient means of diluting concentrated chemicals.

It is important to ensure that the water source has adequate flow and pressure or the flow out of the Dosatron will be low. This is not normally a problem in commercial facilities but can be in domestic settings.

In cases where water pressure or flow is low a booster pump and be fitted before the Dosatron in increase the flow.

Types of Dosatron: There are two types of Dosatron commonly used that allow for safe and accurate mixing straight from the chemical container.

One is the Compact DO7RE5, which we've found suitable for the application of Bio Cleanze.

Note that the DO7RE5 Dosatron should not be used for applying Lightning Cleanze, for which we recommend the D3RE25.

Quick tip: You can use Bio Cleanze and Lightning Cleanze softwash biocides with a single Dosatron but it must be type D3RE25.

The downside of using a single Dosatron for both Bio Cleanze and Lightning Cleanze is that this method involves extra work when changing between chemicals, pre-dilution of Bio Cleanze, and extra time in product handling.

It's a way to apply Bio Cleanze and Lightning Cleanze with the investment of only a single Dosatron. But it's not ideal because of the extra chemical handling time involved.

Important: Remember to always rinse the Dosatron after using it for one chemical, before using it for the other. The two chemicals must NEVER be mixed.

How to apply Bio Cleanze using the D3RE25 Dosatron injection system:

To achieve comparable dilutions of Bio Cleanze to those we recommend for application without using injection systems, Bio Cleanze must be pre-diluted prior to using in the Dosatron.

1. Dilute 1L of Bio Cleanze with 4L of water (or 5L Bio Cleanze with 20L water if mixing in a large drum that would normally be used with this Dosatron)

2. Use this mix in the Dosatron set to 9:1 to achieve a comparable strength solution to the 50:1 that we recommend for the Benz “Clean & Maintain” softwash systems.

3. Set the Dosatron to 4:1 to achieve a comparable strength solution to the 25:1 we recommend for the treatment of roofs and render.