Spraying nozzles

Benz Softwash were the first to bring these type of nozzles to the market back in 2015. Once the problem of attaching the nozzle tips to the pole was solved, many different tips were tested.

Our nozzle tips are made from 316 Stainless steel which is harder wearing and more corrosion resistant that the cheaper 304 stainless steel. We do not sell plastic nozzle tips as they are easily damaged which can affect the spray pattern.

General nozzle tip selection guide:

6.5 Tip: For Bio Cleanze application to rendered properties and tiled roofs. High velocity but controlled spray pattern which allows good flow rates but also good control and penetration around reveals, window sills, tile laps etc.

10 Tip: For Lightning Cleanze application. Lighting Cleanze does not need to foam to cling to a rendered surface. It requires more of a 'dousing' or soaking of the render. The 10 tip delivers a course spray pattern which reduces spray mist compared to other nozzle tips.

15 Tip: For high flow rates of both soft wash chemicals when circumstances allow.