Soft washing industrial metal cladding (eg Kingspan)

The following photos are of Ben softwashing Kingspan Cladding with Lightning Cleanze at 10:1 dilution. (Kingspan is a global leader in the field of industrial metal cladding)
Before ...
And after ...
Quick tip: Ben achieved the dramatic result in these photos by soft washing only – without power washing, without a cherry picker or scissors lift – by himself (no labourers) – and in only 1.5 hours.
Benz Lightning Cleanze is easy and simple to apply
Use a low pressure spray. An example of a set-up would be 12v, 5 litre/minute pump (delivering 1-2 litres/minute at the nozzle), a Benz 10 Spray Nozzle, and a carbon fibre or composite carbon fibre waterfed pole.
After only 10 minutes the surface is almost completely clean
Notice how the top of the building has become clean even before Ben has completed spraying the bottom half – Lightning Cleanze works fast!
A few very stubborn stains may need a quick re-application and/or gentle brushing-in.
Once Lightning Cleanze has done its work Ben rinses the surface with plenty of fresh tap water, using a water fed pole and brush.
These two elevations took one man only 1.5 hours to complete, including set up, using only a water-fed pole and brush to rinse
(Using a pressure washer to rinse would improve upon even this rapid rate of cleaning)
Rinsing: A power (aka pressure or jet) washer using a wide fan spray to reduce pressure and increase the flow rate is ideal for rinsing, preferably from a scissors lift or, on small jobs, using a telescopic lance.
Run-off: It is important to protect our environment when softwashing by minimising run-off into sewers and surface drains. Run-off can be kept to minimum or zero by using Benz Nozzles along with skilful spray and brush control techniques.
If some run-off to drains is unavoidable, block the drains and/or gutter downpipes until application has been concluded (drains can also be protected with dams). Then suck up and remove from the site.
Click here to learn how to safely handle soft washing run-off
Bio Cleanze: After a first clean with Lightning Cleanze it's usually possible to maintain ongoing with Bio Cleanze every 6-12 months. Or you could treat with Bio Cleanze every other visit, alternating with Lightning Cleanze treatments.
There are many variables and experience will tell you the best way to maintain a given property. For example, a spray-only treatment may be all that is required in some areas but other areas may need a spray and light brushing-in, waiting 30 minutes and then rinsing.
An important advantage of Bio Cleanze is that its capillary action, which is greater than Lightning Cleanze, allows it to get into all the places where algae may be growing and other producsts cannot reach – e.g. behind the laps of the sheeting, flashing, tec screw head and caps, and so on.
Quick tip: Treating metal surfaces with Bio Cleanze can be more time consuming than treating with Lighting Cleanze on initial cleans – which is why we usually use Lightning Cleanze for first cleans – but takes about the same amount of time when you offer your customer an ongoing "Clean & Maintain" service.
The Benz Softwash range of softwash cleaning products:cts
- Bio Cleanze
- Lightning Cleanze
- Tornado Cleanze
- Oxy Cleanze
- Perma Cleanze
- Window Cleanze
- Softwash Nozzles
- Roof moss scrapers
- All Benz unique soft washing equipment
The Benz fully illustrated softwashing how-to Manual
Click here to get more practical soft washing how-to tips
How to find answers to most soft washing questions: Simply enter a relevant "keyword" or short phrase (e.g. keyword for above link = "how to") into our in-site Search Engine (the magnifying glass icon on main menu)
You can order Benz softwash chemicals & equipment online or by phone:
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Phone: 0800 70 74 222
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Phone: 00353 214 622 978
Lines open Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm
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