PERMA CLEANZE – 5% ddac softwash biocide that naturally deep cleans over time: For property maintenance of patios, paths, drives & car parks.

£35.00 GBP

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Controls a range of biological growths (e.g. algae, lichen, fungi & mould) that cause red, green, yellow and black staining

Just spray or brush, then walk away – and let nature wash away!




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Delivery time: 1-4 working days


    Perma Cleanze is a pre-diluted version of Benz Bio Cleanze

    (It does the same job as Bio Cleanze while being legally approved for use by the public and staff of property maintenance companies)

    Organisations and property maintenance companies specify it for use by their maintenance staff



    Watch the short (1.35 min) video above to see the dramatic results of softwashing with Benz Perma Cleanze


    Treat the first signs of algae growth to enjoy permanently clean drives, patios & paths – without the mess of jet washing

      No more jet washing your driveway, patio and paths

      Have you noticed how your drive, patio and paths become dirty again – and shockingly fast – after they've been jet washed?  And did you feel that jet washing was a waste of your time, energy and money?


      Block drive before softwash treatment with Benz Perma Cleanze.jpgBlock drive after softwash treatment with Benz Perma Cleanze

      Block drive before softwash treatment             Block drive after softwash treatment

      The “dirt” you see on exterior surfaces is actually not dirt at all but a cocktail of algae, lichen, fungi, or mould. And jet washing cannot remove the spores of these growths, which rapidly recolonise. 

      This is the reason you'll notice your property becoming "dirty" again soon after it's been jet washed.

      Sandstone colonised by black algae before softwash treatment of Benz Perma CleanzeSandstone colonised by black algae after softwash treatment of Benz Perma Cleanze

      Sandstone before softwash treatment             Sandstone after softwash treatment

      And if that was not bad enough, repeated jet washing will damage the protective surface layer of concrete and brick.

      Without that protective layer, the rate of deterioration caused by natural weathering will increase, reducing the life expectancy of the concrete and brick on your property.

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      The good news – Perma Cleanze is here to help!

      Perma Cleanze solves the re-colonisation problem of jet washing by neutralising the spores through the cleaning method we call “soft washing”.

      This is really good news for you ... because for the most part the need to jet wash your drive, patio, paths (as well as garden walls, wood decking and wood sheds) will soon be consigned to history.

      All you need to do is first deep clean your patio and paths with Benz Tornado Cleanze; then simply maintain it with a quick spray of Perma Cleanze every 6-12 months.

      Wood decking being soft wash treated with Perma Cleanze

      By applying Perma Cleanze only once or twice a year, you can stop these growths from re-colonising on your paths, patio, walls, driveway, fences, sheds and decking.

      This means they will remain permanently clean – and without the mess jet washing inevitably creates. 

      Perma Cleanze is gentler on your property, and more cost-effective, than jet washing – without the mess

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      Perma Cleanze is effective and safe to use on

      • All concrete and brick – including concrete and brick driveways, patios & paths
      • "Cobblelock" and all block paving
      • Tarmac drives
      • Wood decking, wood fencing and wood sheds
      • Brick and stone garden walls
      • Brick, stone and concrete garages and sheds
      • Natural stone, including sandstone and granite walls, patios and paths
      • Artificial stone
      • Coloured and plain wall render
      • Sand and cement wall render

      Click here if you've read enough and want to order Perma Cleanze

      When and where should you use Perma Cleanze?

      1. As soon as you notice the first signs of green, black, red or yellow colouring appearing around your property. Dilute with water at 4:1.

      A quick spray every 6-12 months (depending on the type of surface and the local environment) will keep your patio, paths, driveway (tarmac, concrete and block), brick and concrete outbuildings – as well as wooden fences, sheds and decking – permanently clean.

      2. After pre-cleaning with Benz Tornado Cleanze.

      Sandstone treated with Benz Tornado Cleanze

      Sandstone pre-treated with Benz Tornado Cleanze prior to treating with Perma Cleanze

      3. Immediately after jet washing.

      Jet washing by itself cannot kill the spores that cause your property to look "dirty".

      So use Perma Cleanze to neutralise the spores after jet washing. Then sit back and enjoy watching your property become even cleaner through time.

      How does Perma Cleanze make your property cleaner through time?

      Because Perma Cleanze soaks deep into porous surfaces, enabling it to keep working for up to, and sometimes, over a year – ensuring your property stays permanently clean.

      Any spores that drift onto your property will find it difficult to grow because of the residual protection against re-colonisation that Perma Cleanze offers.

      4. Historic buildings. Perma Cleanze is a powerful, yet non-aggressive, way to care for the surfaces of our historic properties. It contains no acids, solvents or compounds that could adversely affect the materials or coatings used in these valuable old buildings.

      Click here if you've read enough and want to buy Perma Cleanze

      Bleach, acid and phosphate-free – neutral pH

      12 more reasons to choose Perma Cleanze to clean your driveway, patio and paths

        1. Controls algae, lichen, fungi and mould
        2. Fully biodegradable and does not bio-accumulate
        3. Ph neutral, which makes it safe for materials and gentle on people
        4. Safe for children and pets once a treated surface is completely dry (use max 4:1 dilution to treat any surface that children and animals may walk or play on)
        5. Non-bleaching (contains no bleach or acids)
        6. Harmless to all known building materials
        7. Can be used prior to painting, to kill algae and mould spores
        8. Helps control wet and dry rot on wooden buildings, fences, sheds and decking
        9. Can be applied as a post-treatment following jet washing
        10. Soaks deep into porous surfaces – killing the micro-organisms responsible for unsightly discolouring – and decreasing the risk of structural damage
        11. Not affected by hard or mineralised water
        12. The powerful active ingredient is also used to sanitise and disinfect hospitals

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        Long-term protection built-in – surfaces stay cleaner, for longer


        The "Dynamic Duo" – Perma Cleanze plus Benz Tornado Cleanze

        Tornado Cleanze works in partnership with Perma Cleanze.

        Applied as part of the first deep clean, it rapidly removes deeply ingrained algae, lichen, fungi and mould.

        It has immense tornado-like power to remove the toughest – “impossible to remove by other means” – growths and stains from your driveway, patio, paths and outbuildings (e.g. your garage, sheds, fencing and decking).

        After rinsing away the residue of Tornado Cleanze, apply Perma Cleanze – which will soak deep into porous surfaces, sanitising them even more thoroughly.

        Perma Cleanze will continue to deep clean through time, combating re-colonisation and extending the length of time your property stays clean.

        Click here to learn about "residual biocide protection" against recolonisation

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        How to use Perma Cleanze as a stand-alone softwash treatment

        Diluted with water at 4:1, Perma Cleanze will remove some stains by itself. Simply spray, brush-in if needed, and walk away (do not rinse).

        Then leave it to nature to remove, via the natural weathering of sun and rain, the remains of the growths that created the unsightly staining of your property.

        Quick tips:

        1) On very heavily infested surfaces it may sometime be indicated to increase the dilution up to 2:1.

        2) A repeat application after 6 months will ensure all growths have been treated and the spores killed. Thereafter a once or twice yearly treatment will be sufficient to keep your property permanently clean.

        3) On muddy or otherwise dirty surfaces (eg paths, patios and drives) hose and brush to remove loose material. Then brush Perma Cleanze in to take advantage of it's surfactant qualities.

        On surfaces like wall render, painted surfaces and so on, the cleaning effect will start to be seen after a few days. A second treatment can be applied after two weeks to speed up the cleaning process.

        Softwash treatment of wall render, black algae, with Benz Perma Cleanze

        Just spray, walk away, and let nature wash away!

        Perma Cleanze will usually continue to clean and protect your property for 6-12 months depending on the nature of the material treated (e.g. concrete, brick, tarmac, wood), local weather conditions, and so on.

        Quick tip: Apply ongoing maintenance treatments when needed at the first signs of re-colonisation – from 6 to 12 months following the initial deep cleaning.

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        How to apply Perma Cleanze to your driveway, patio, paths, garden walls, fences, decking, sheds and other outbuildings

        • A rule of thumb: 5 litres of concentrated Perma Cleanze will make enough diluted (4:1) mix to treat an average driveway and paths around an average 3 bedroom house.

        • Dilute 4 parts water to 1 part Perma Cleanze for maintenance treatments of light green algae around paths and patios (and wooden fences, sheds and decking).
          Green algae growing around plant pot before treating with Benz Perma CleanzeGreen algae removed from around plant pot after treating with Benz Perma Cleanze
          Green algae around plant pot                   Green algae treated with Perma Cleanze

        • Dilute 4 parts water to 1 part Perma Cleanze when treating garden walls and wall capping stones.
          Softwashing capping stones with Benz Perma Cleanze
          Cleaning garden wall capping stones with Benz Perma Cleanze

        • For best results use immediately after diluting.
        • It's best not to treat a surface if rain is likely within 8 hours of application.

        • In extreme heat, it is often a good idea to lightly dampen the surface to cool it down before applying Perma Cleanze (to minimise "boil off").

        • Best applied in temperatures above 8 degrees C (results can be inconsistent below this point).

        • Do not rinse Perma Cleanze.

        Quick tips:

        1) Surfaces vary in porosity – including concrete slabbed paths and patios, brickwork, block drives, wooden sheds and fences – and therefore the cleaning effect of a Perma Cleanze softwash treatment may also vary.

        This can be especially true for concrete paths and patios that have had their surface layer damaged by high pressure jet washing.

        2) On areas of heavy algae growth, particularly on very porous surfaces:

        a) A second treatment after two weeks may be needed

        b) Using a soft brush to work Perma Cleanze into the algae will speed up the cleaning process and make the treatment more effective

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        Important softwashing tips for the most effective use of Perma Cleanze

        To keep areas free from algae, lichen, fungi and mould for as long as possible, follow these simple "good property maintenance" guidelines:

          1. Immediately sweep or blow loose organic debris ( lawn & hedge cuttings for example) from paths, patios and drives. If left, these will break down and feed the algae, lichen, fungi and mould that cause the green, black, yellow and red staining you want to get rid of.

          2. Avoid placing plant pots on or near the surface (e.g driveway, patio or path) you want to keep clean. Organic matter and spores from these will fall onto the surface and algae, lichen, fungi and mould will grow and begin to spread.

            Quick tip: If the above is not possible, then treat the outside and underside of plant pots situated in areas you want to keep clean. And make sure that they are planted such that they do not overflow with rain water, which will tend to spread algae, lichen, fungi and mould spores.

          3. The more frequently you treat your drive, patio and paths with Perma Cleanze the longer each treatment will last. You'll find the protection against re-colonisation lasting longer after subsequent treatments because Perma Cleanze will have less work to do.

          4. Avoid treating a surface if rain is likely within 8 hours of application.

          5. In extreme heat, it's often a good idea to lightly spray the surface with fresh water to cool it down before applying Perma Cleanze (to minimise "boil off").

          6. Apply in temperatures above 8 degrees C for best results (results can be inconsistent at lower temperatures).

          7. Perma Cleanze will work more slowly in winter months than in summer but will still be effective.

          8. Do not rinse Perma Cleanze.

          Click here if you are ready to purchase Perma Cleanze


          Can I use Perma Cleanze to soft wash walls and roofs?

          We developed our standard range of softwash cleaning products with professional softwash cleaning contractors in mind. Walls and roofs are best tackled by professionals who have the necessary equipment to work at heights.

          We developed Perma Cleanze primarily for the cleaning of external hard surfaces by the staff of property maintenance companies and the in-house cleaning staff responsible for cleaning the perimeter areas around factories, warehouses and offices.

          Perma Cleanze is formulated to be legal and safe for cleaning driveways, car parks, patios, footpaths, all types of fences, sheds, low outside walls, and so on. It is also excellent for soft washing wood, including wooden decking, wooden fences and wooden sheds.

          For these purposes, Perma Cleanze can be applied using simple equipment like a bucket, brush, and/or garden sprayer (fitted with Viton seals).

          Storage guidelines

          • For best results store at approximately 20 degrees C (room temperature).
          • Always store Perma Cleanze in the original containers.
          • Shelf-life is 2 years or more after manufacturing date, when stored in unopened original containers.


          Perma Cleanze is fully approved by the UK and Irish governments


          • The Irish Pesticides Registration & Controls Service (PRCD) for use in Ireland. Certificate number: 99558

          • The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) for use in the UK. Certificate number: 9936

          • Conforms to the Global Harmonised System (GHS) for product labeling.

          • Fully compliant with "REACH" (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of CHemicals) regulations for cleaning exterior hard surfaces.

          • Click here to download the Perma Cleanze Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

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            Delivery Restrictions


            Due to restrictions placed upon us by shipping companies, we are unable to deliver even to some UK offshore locations through our standard shipping arrangements.

            These include (but are not limited to):

            • Isle of Man
            • Isle of Wight
            • Channel Islands
            • Scottish Islands

            Orders placed for these locations, and not previously cleared by us, will unfortunately have to be cancelled. If you have a specific item that you need and live within one of the above areas, feel free to contact us and we'll do our best to help you, but do note that surcharges will have to apply.

            Cleans – Sanitises – Disinfects

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            Health & Safety Guidelines

            Follow these guidelines to protect your plant life (lawns, flowers, shrubs, vegetables), children, pets and children:

            • Follow all handling and application guidelines on the product packaging and on this website.

            • ALWAYS thoroughly pre and post drench all grass and plants with fresh water, which may accidentally come into contact with the product, including any spray that may drift onto them. Pay particular attention to grass edges alongside paths. Click here for more information

              Drenching grass with water prior to softwashing wooden decking with Benz Perma CleanzeDrenching grass with water prior to softwashing paths, drives and patios
            • NEVER pour water into undiluted Perma Cleanze. Half-fill your mixing container with water, add the required quantity of Perma Cleanze, then complete filling your mixing container with water.
            • NEVER mix Tornado Cleanze / Lightning Cleanze and Perma Cleanze together as toxic gas may be produced.
            • ALWAYS thoroughly rinse all application equipment before changing from Tornado Cleanze / Lightning Cleanze to Perma Cleanze and vice-versa.
            • ALWAYS exclude children and animals from areas where spraying, mixing and storage of softwash products is taking place. They must continue to be excluded from the working area until it is made safe. If a human or animal comes into contact with a softwash product the area of skin contact should be immediately rinsed with copious quantities of fresh water. Click here for more information

            • Surfaces on which children and animals may walk or play should be treated with Perma Cleanze at a maximum dilution strength of 4:1. Children and animals must be prevented from gaining access to the treated area until the surface is completely dry. All pooling must be brushed away and the area allowed to dry before allowing children and animals onto the treated surface.

            • If working in confined, poorly ventilated areas always wear appropriate respiratory protection (see SDS for type).


              Safe working practices: When working with softwash products always keep your equipment and personal protection equipment (PPE) clean. Take care to protect yourself from accidental contact with your eyes and skin. We recommend wearing protective gloves, chemical-resistant clothing that covers your whole skin surface, and a full face visor that includes protection for your hair. Wash all PPE with fresh water at the end of the working day and before eating, drinking, or smoking.

              • TEST BEFORE TREATING: Always treat a small, out of the way, test patch on the  surface to be treated before using any chemical cleaning product.

              Always adhere to the SDS (Safety Data Sheet). Follow the product labelling instructions, and the product information supplied on this website, to ensure protection of our environment and avoidance of injury to humans and animals.

              Formulated to be legal and safe for use by property maintenance staff

              Perma Cleanze is a diluted version of Benz Bio Cleanze. Organisations and property maintenance companies specify it for use by their maintenance staff.


                Benz Perma Cleanze 5L keeps driveways, patios, paths, garden walls, concrete, brick, tarmac, wood decking, wood fences, wood sheds permenatly clean-free from green, black, red, yellow stains


                Order Benz softwash chemicals & equipment online or by phone:

                GB (England, Scotland, Wales)

                Phone: 0800 70 74 222 


                Ireland and other countries

                Phone: 00353 214 622 978


                Lines open Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm

                The above numbers are for orders only (click here for tech support)

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